Nomads, Cyborgs, and the Spirit

Friday, December 21, 2007

Becoming an Urbanist, Not a Philosopher: Trajectivity

Linking between blogs in an attempt to sort out exactly what each one represents. Politics of the Very Worst is an extremely interesting Virilio interview that has profoundly inspired me.

"My work is that of a limited man who must deal with a limitless situation."


"I do not work on the subject and the object -- that is the world of the philosopher -- but rather on the "traject." I have even proposed to inscribe the trajectory between the subject and the object to create the neologism "trajective," in addition to "subjective" and "objective." I am thus a man of the trajective, and the city is the site of trajectivity. It is the site of proximity between men, the site of organization of contact."

V i r i l i o
Politics of the Very Worst

More on "Trajectivity" in the future.

1 comment:

EB said...,Q2AQ3FfQ2AIAA-oQ2AQ3Ff3AQ51dGeG5Q24AQ7BQ515jK